Saturday, April 24, 2010

PSU Earth Day Festival

After all of the work I put into this, I was slightly disappointed with the results, but I am cautiously optimistic that I will have something of a return on my investment due to the number of freebies and fliers that I passed out.  I managed to hand out nearly 40 free coffee wraps, either with a purchase or trading someone their paper coffee wrap for one of the reusable knit ones.

The festival was well put together, thankfully, and there was a lot of foot traffic.  It was encouraging to see so many people out for Earth Day, and visiting the non-profits, enjoying the music, and supporting the local artists and vendors. 

To any and all of you that came... thanks!  I appreciate your support and look forward to future events... I'm not sure when my next event will be, as fundage is running short right now, but hopefully it will be soon!

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