Fun thing #1:Today, thanks to the power of Twitter... I was invited to be a contributor to a website called
"Naughty Knitterz". This is a cool web based knitting ring kind of deal, where there is advice for both beginning and advanced knitters, as well as freebie patterns, links, and my favorite part - even being a girl, this is still my favorite part - a whole section for guys. :)
Fun thing #2:
I had started a project for my little sister, who really isn't so little anymore, for her
high school graduation. She LOVES penguins and all things pink, so I had originally planned to do a pink penguin for her, and if you look on Ravelry under KusalaKnits, you will see it in my queue. However... I instead decided to do a set of three mini-penguins, because, well, three is WAY better than one! I have two different shades of pink: one is a dark rose color, another a milkshake pink color, and then they are going to have white bellies and flipper undersides, orange feetsies, and yellow beaks. I don't know if I am going to do the eyes in all of the same color or change that, but one is going to be the dark pink, another the milkshake color, and the third a stripe of the two. Very cute... and I hope she likes them. They wind up being about 5"tall, and I hope to put some pics up tomorrow.
Fun thing #3:
I also have just gotten a request for another robot... hopefully I will get the penguins done by Friday and can start the robot this weekend... gotta make the money!