Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wow Guys!

I just checked my Google Analytics for yesterday, and I had the most visitors yesterday that I've ever had!  WOW!  Thank you so much for all of the visits!  I know that it has a lot to do with the patterns that I put up on Ravelry, and I hope that y'all like them and can use them extensively.  :)

As someone who has mainly been a writer, this whole knitting thing, while it isn't new (I've been knitting for just about ten years), sometimes it is easier to fall back on something that you know how to do well.  I try to invoke some humor... and perhaps a bit of sarcasm... into my writing.  Even if it is about knitting, yarn, and the stupid needles that make my hands hurt!

Again, thank you all very much, and I encourage you to check out my Etsy site for some really cool, recycled notions for your knitting!  My son calls them "Knitting Jewelry".

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